Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Well fokes this is my final blog, thanks gosh, so Im going to try to make this a lengthy one. Digimon digital monsters was one of my favorite cartoons growing up. This here is a scene from the third season of digimon, where the first two seasons of this show had a digital world and creatures, this season made them out to be just a television show. So the pre-existing series characters didn't exist within this season or world. In this season the Digimon was a creation from a experiment on the computer which later was brought to live. Digimon in this season once dead, could not return in the shape of a egg like the other two seasons, once the digimon was destroyed their data was absorbed into the victor of the battle. The human partners was called Tamers, and these Tamers could used cards to enhance their digital partners skills and powers when used. The little guy in this image with the bigger ears and symbol on his forehead had the power to help the digimon digivolve into bigger and badder creatures to fight their battles. Although this series started out very interesting and nice, the ending lost me and I didn't really care for this season anymore. I felt like the creators were creating a story that was far too stretched from the original story plot and I became lost. But the first season of this show will forever hold my heart.
(N 201) YiN-YaNG
Yin yang, the universal symbol for contracting forces but also the universal symbol for balance as well. Yin represent the black side of the symbol, which is cold, passive, dark and while the Yang represent warmth, active, and brightness. I have done my research on Yin Yang sign only to find out that the sign has the five natural elements within its design. Fire and Metal I believe is in Yang, while Water and Wood is in Yin. But I havent forgot about Earth, Earth is within both of them, thats whats the circles in each represent. Earth is the balance that holds the Yin Yang sign together. In this picture I see a tiger and a dragon, I think this has something to do with Chinese tradition dated by long ago with the tiger and dragon beast. The way of the tiger, the way of the dragon lol.
(N 201) Yu-Gi-Oh
Yu-Gi-Oh the show that had its own following for years. I can honestly say I was a follower for like two years. I spent most of my time and money on these cards and battled people. I developed what I called a BUG deck, where most of my creatures in my deck of cards was bug type monsters. In my deck I also had some other creatures like machines and warriors just in case a bug trap or magic card would block my creatures from attacking. But anyways back to the series, Yu-Gi-Oh was a good series but some of the card effects on the show differ from the cards effect in real life. The graphics was very good in the series though and i liked the storyline. My favorite character was of course the bug guy who was in from time to time, and I did watch faithfully.
(N 201) HaLO DeSIGN
Halo, one of the more desired games ever played on by like everybody from college students to little kids in third grade. The graphics are unbelievable and the gameplay is just as amazing as the graphics. Of course this is a shooting game, which is why a lot of students that are male play, something about guns attracts guys like me to games like this. One thing I never like about games like these was that you can never see yourself play just the gun or weapon your carrying. The landscape in the game is well put together as well, the company of this game have been advancing the game features so much that now it looks real like the real thing.
(N 201) X-FACTORiN
X men evolution. I remember when the first episode came on I was in fifth grade and it was on a Saturday on kidsWB. I was always a fan of the X-men story and original series but after seeing the new animation and graphic effects I soon come to quickly fall in love with this series. X-men evolution was based on how the team met, although alot of its storylines were stretched different from the original stories of the team. The original X-men had Beast, Angel, Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Iceman, the new series had Jean, Cyclops, Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, Spyke, Rogue, and others as the original teens to enroll within the school for gifted youngsters. The X-men outfits centered around the color scheme of black, unlike the original series where it was blue and yellow. Wolverines outfit was orange and black instead of yellow and blue, although it could of been black that the creator was trying to go for and not blue.
Hmmm the Boondocks. The Boondocks remind me of a black family guy in a way. This show contains alot of foul language and some parts even nude, but the storylines half the time are pretty good. The animation and graphics are far better then family guy. The details in the skin and in the cloths was alot better then I had imagine they would be. In the comic strips of this show there characters arent drawn that well, but the animated series is really amazing.
(N 201) iNVaDER ZiM
Invader Zim, one of nickalodeons most disturbed cartoon series ever shown on national television. As disturbing as Invader Zim was, I loved the show. Invader Zim was about an alien who was so annoying that his people wanted him gone, so they sent him to a far away planet for him to stay on and amuse himself. The instructors gave him a beat up robot named Grr and as the kids watching the show came to noticed is that Grr is very lovable and likable character. The graphics within the show was above average if you asked me, and the storyline and plots were ok. Invader Zim was more so funny and disturbing just knowing that Zim would never destroy or conquer Earth, but just amuse the audience in the meantime. Zim would react to simple thing in life, like bees, pigs, cows, even stomach aches. Grr would react to these things in a more humorous and comical way. But this show was very funny and more of the more enjoyable shows on nickalodeon.
Monday, December 7, 2009
(N 201) ANiMATION Balls
This animated photo is of tennis balls laying in the grass. The one on the left is just an ordinary ball that doesnt do anything and just sits there waiting for someone to put it in motion. The tennis ball on the right is animated. It displays eyes and a mouth I believe. The animated moving tennis ball even is moving by itself. It has a funny look on its face like its sad or worried or something. Im looking in the background and it looks as if the tennis balls are in wide open land in the landscape behind them. The line below them indicates the tennis line though.
(N 201) DragonBallZ
This image shows Goku many styles in his many lives, yes i said many lives. Goku has died more times then I have counted. Dragon Ball was the original series where Goku used a cloud to fly around and didnt have any real abilities other then turning into a huge monkey. Then once he became older his powers started to emerge and he became stronger. As he grew up, the different styles he had. Goku became a Super Sayian and his hair became a golden yellow and shot up. Goku later had many more Super Sayian 2, 3, and 4 later on in the series as well.
(N 201) BeAST WaRS
Beast Wars, one of the more advanced shows of its time. Before Beast Wars I have never seen animation done they way the creators of this show animated them. This here is all the maximals, good robots while the predicons are off somewhere. I actually have all three seasons of this show and its after season called Beast Machines which eliminated about halve of the surviving maximals that remained after the war was over. I grew up watching this show along with Dragon Ball Z. One of my favorite characters was Rattrap, just because he had a smart ass mouth.
(N 201) Subliminal Here!!
I know this is a subliminal message and also a cup but I dont know what this is suppose to say. I think its suppose to spell out a word but I can make it out. As far as the designs go, I like how its black for the other letters but as far as it goes with the word they wanted to spell out I like how they used white. This is actually suppose to be a cooler. OH!! I got it! It say "drink up". lol
(N 201) AVATAR: Day of Black Sun
Wow this is some powerful stuff here. Im loving the graphics, the action positions, the colors fo the clothes, Im loving everything in this image. Katara with your water wipe action in place for an enemies attack. Aang is in ready position with his staff in his hand. Soka has his black meteor sword in his hangs, but wait he has both hands on it, he means business. And of course Thof who use using her bending abilities to bend the earth beneath her.
(N 201) AVATAR
I just got done watching this show. Avatar the last airbender is one of the most unique and well designed cartoons shows out there. Unlike Captain planet, Avatar abilities over the elements went further then just shooting out air or water from a ring. These characters just Avatar can form suits of armor from water, air, earth, but i dont know about fire. This Avatar image I like alot. I like how they have water and fire two opposite elements against each other, which if you look kinda forms a yin yang symbol. The yin yang symbol shows opposites of two forcesat one time which this image does. I find it funny the creator is trying to make Thof look all high and mighty in this picture.
(N 201) Da Power Of Three
Well this is an image that I have put together and made myself. The first image is suppose to represent the past, but yet still present. While the second image of myself is suppose to represent the current present which is a new self, an altered ego, Danny. Then the third is suppose to be the future which is unknown at this time in my life. The first one, Ereck, is called "the shell" which is like a vessel in which hold everything inside and holds the others inside as well. The second image, Danny, is called "the impulsive freak" a new self that acts out randomly and recklessly. The third is a mystery, so I guess we will see.
(N 201) HiGH-TECH Comp.
Hmmm when I first take a look at this image I thought it was a phone, but since I searched High Tech computers it had to be one. I wonder how small it is or how much it weighs. I also wonder if the screen is a touch screen or if its not. The design is simple but it works for this 3G. I dont know if I would want a computer like this...looks too much like a phone and I would get confused all the time. Clearly this technology hasn't reached the US yet or else or I would have seen it by now.
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