Monday, March 7, 2011


Bliss Day
Last Monday I decided to hang out with a friend for the rest of day for my bliss assignment. My friend had just moved to Indianapolis from TN and was hating the weather, the city, and the people here so far. I chose to introduce my friend to BUNIFA...JACKSON. Bunifa is fictional character on the hit television MADTV. We sat at his house watching BUNIFA clips for over an hour in a halve laughing so hard.
Bunifa Clip

Stuff Animal
From the day we received the stuffed animals my Gumby has been riding in the BACKSEAT of my car for the last two weeks. The Gumby doll represents WORK and not just any work but school work. I have had the doll for two weeks and yet I waited till the day before the assignment is due to do something with it. Over the past two weeks I have received a D on a speech that I practiced for a day before I had to give it. The worst part about receiving the D is that the teacher had put I would of gotten a B if I didnt go over my time by two minutes. If I would have studied more I would have knew I had too much info in my speech. This last sat I had a midterm exam I knew about for two weeks, but yet I waited three days before I had to take it to start studying over 8 chapters. I believe I did okay on the exam but not my best.

Mr. Gumby represents my PROCRASTINATING attitude over my school work. Gumby is so FLEXIBLE (or at least suppose to be since he is like all stretchy) maybe I should try to build a flexible schedule around my school work, work, and free time.

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